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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MARBO'S step into the futur 19
KRISHNAAS intorica 24
intoxicat 33
DIGITAL intoxication 16, 32
intra CATH 10
IMAX intra-ocular lens 10
IUE intra uterine enablers 5
MEDIKIT intra medullary nai 10
EENEX intranet/extranet 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
I VIEW intraocular lense 9
OPTIMA intraocular lens 9
PANTRA for intravenous use 35
FERNANDO intrcontinental 16
FYREPRUFFE intumescent coat 2
BAJAJ invade 12
OMLITE invasion 11
STENDO non invasive +square 10, 44
invent 18, 25, 28
HP invent +circle 2, 9, 16
21 INDICA invention 21 25
PANEX inventor 3
SAMI inventors cosmeceutica 5
C +inverted c 21
inverter +oval & arc 11
inverter 24X7 9
inverter CLINIC +arrows 42
BS BALA inverter-ups 9
inverter 9
INVO power inverter special 9
JIB JADON inverter batterie 9
LIUMEX inverter 9
LUMEC inverter batteries 9
LUX inverter 9
MAGIC inverter 9
MICROTEK inverter +arc arro 9
POWER TRON inverter +oval 9
SAMSUNG DIGITAL inverter 7, 11
SPEED inverter battery 9
SPIKA inverter home ups 9
STAGER inverter battery 9
SVI-CON inverter stabilizer 11
SYSCON ups & inverter 9
powerline inverter +spark 9
LORD generators & inverters 7
MILTON battery invertors up 9
invest MANTRA +spiral 36
invest TODAY 16
invest assure FLEXI 36
invest india +hands & flowe 36
IIC invest india club +arcs 36
ORBI invest 9, 16
PREMJI invest 9, 16, 36, 42
SMART invest +circles 16, 36
GIS globe investigation 42
investment AACHARYA 36
investment CENTRE 16
investment HOUSE 36
AKSHAYA investment consult. 36
AXA investment managers 35, 36, 38, 41, 42
BERNSTEIN investment 36
CLESTRA investment pvt. ltd 36
DELERNO investment pvt. ltd 36
DIYA investment & insurance 36
FINAMENNEN investment plaza 16
FORTRESS investment 36
FORTRESS investment group 36
GRD simplifying investment 36
I ideal investment +oval ar 36
investment 35, 36
LASALLE investment mgmt. 36
LESCOPI investment pvt. ltd 36, 42
MFS investment management 36
REIC real estate investment 36
SMC investment +circle 36
SMC investment solutions 35, 39
SREI CAPITAL investment ban 16
UBS investment bank 36
WUDSTREET investment servic 36
h HABILE investment +circle 36
i ABCHLOR investment adviso 42
s SHALOM investment 36
3A investments 36
BRIGADE investments 16
CARBON investments 36
CHARME investments 35, 36
DWS investments +hexagon 36
EVERGROWTH investments 36
FIDELITY investments 36, 42
GCM investments 36
GENOM investments pvt. ltd. 36
GI GUPTA investments +oval 36
INVESTI GO investments 16, 36
INVESTIGO investments 16, 36
M MAGNUM investments +squar 36
SPOT investments 36
SPRINGBOARD investments 36
STARWEALTH investments 36
ZATROXA investments pvt. lt 36, 42
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